47th annual DCMF: July 18-20, 2025!
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Dawson City Music Festival

January Events Update

Hello friends and supporters.

After much discussion with our colleagues and partners at Klondike Institute of Art & Culture (KIAC), we decided to reschedule all public activities slated for January, including the Winter Concert Series and Songwriter in Residence program, to April 2021.

Though the number of active cases in the territory remains low and the first shipment of the vaccine recently arrived, we share concerns about a post-holiday resurgence of Covid-19 and wish to do our part to continue flattening the curve.

While we have appropriate protective measures and protocols in place and can bring components of the residency program online, we know that many people who participate in and benefit from the program would find this challenging. We want to provide Dawsonites with a much-needed opportunity to safely experience music and creative educational opportunities live and in person. We are prepared to try again in April!

At this time, all February and March shows are still scheduled. This postponement is for January activities only.  We want to stress that to our knowledge, there is no increased concern about the circulation of COVID-19 in the community, and organized events with proper protocols may proceed. The decision to postpone was made internally by both organizations in consultation with artists and community members.

If you have already purchased a ticket to any concerts, you will receive a refund as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding and support!

We look forward to hosting 2021 Resident Brigitte Jardin and many other outstanding Yukon musicians soon!